; Paint.NET Palette File ; Lines that start with a semicolon are comments ; Colors are written as 8-digit hexadecimal numbers: aarrggbb ; For example, this would specify green: FF00FF00 ; The alpha ('aa') value specifies how transparent a color is. FF is fully opaque, 00 is fully transparent. ; A palette must consist of ninety six (96) colors. If there are less than this, the remaining color ; slots will be set to white (FFFFFFFF). If there are more, then the remaining colors will be ignored. ; ; This color palette was created by DawnBringer of pixeljoint.com ; and was converted to Paint.net format by sgtcrispy FF000000 FF222034 FF45283C FF663931 FF8F563B FFDF7126 FFD9A066 FFEEC39A FFFBF236 FF99E550 FF6ABE30 FF37946E FF4B692F FF524B24 FF323C39 FF3F3F74 FF306082 FF5B6EE1 FF639BFF FF5FCDE4 FFCBDBFC FFFFFFFF FF9BADB7 FF847E87 FF696A6A FF595652 FF76428A FFAC3232 FFD95763 FFD77BBA FF8F974A FF8A6F30